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Vicki Buchda

Vice President of Care Improvement

Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association

Vicki Buchda, MS, RN, NEA-BC serves as the Vice President, Care Improvement for the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association.  She is responsible for contributing to the organization’s mission: “Making Arizona the healthiest state in the Nation” by leading collaboratives to improve patient safety, patient experience, healthcare outcomes, and health equity. She is a highly skilled professional with demonstrated expertise in clinical and system leadership. Vicki is passionate about harm prevention, including harm from opioids, maternal health, advance care planning and health equity. Vicki has served in nursing and leadership roles within health systems including Mayo Clinic, Hawaii Pacific Health and Banner Health.  

Product Type
Image of On Demand

Aging as a Masterpiece: Helping Families Navigate and Reframe Conversations about Late Life Transitions

Total Credits: 1.5 CLE

Average Rating:
Probate & Estate Planning |  Mental Health and Elder Law
Original Program Date:
Apr 05, 2022

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