Biennial seminar provides a critical update for practitioners who handle DUI cases. If you represent clients in this area, you cannot afford to miss this seminar.
Eminent Domain in Arizona gives you clear and concise explanations of eminent domain concepts, interpretations of Arizona constitutional law and statutes, and extensive case law citations with explanatory comments. If you represent clients who own real property, this well-organized reference is essential to your law library. Disk includes all forms contained in the book, for both plaintiff and defendant, plus interrogatories, and the Eminent Domain Jury Instructions.
Essential for handling personal injury and wrongful death claims in Arizona, this handbook thoroughly covers legal and ethical issues surrounding third-party claims under both Arizona and federal law.
Recent changes in the enforcement trends of the EEOC and ACRD regarding disability discrimination claims; best practices and practical solutions for ethical issues that arise with pro bono work and ADR-related issues arising after the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act; strategies for handling defamation in the social media contest.
The History Of Labor and Employment Law in Arizona; The History, Erosion and Resurgence of the Employment-at-Will Doctrine; Agents vs. Employees and Other Working Relationships; Independent Contractors; Restrictive Covenants and Trade Secrets Protection; Implied in Law Covenants; Director, Officer and Employee Indemnification; Arbitration; State Legislative Environment; Constructive Discharge; The Employment Contract