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Arizona Motor Vehicle Accident Deskbook, 2nd Ed. 2016

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Arizona CLE Books |  Litigation |  Personal Injury Law |  Trial Practice
Steven M. Schorr |  Daniel T Benchoff |  Monica Mihaela Pertea |  Louis M Diesel |  Donald H Bayles Jr |  Geoffrey Trachtenberg |  Larry J Cohen
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A Practical Desk Reference for the General Practitioner - Both Plaintiff and Defense

This useful publication gives the general practitioner a quick reference guide to a number of areas likely to be encountered in the preparation of a motor vehicle accident case. Whether you're a new lawyer seeking to learn more about personal injury or motor vehicle accident cases or a legal assistant working for a seasoned professional, the book and its forms are valuable tools for your practice! 

Concise Information on Various Topics: 

  • Modern Pleading Requirements 
  • Comparative Fault in Arizona  
  • Negligent Entrustment 
  • Family Derivative Liability in the MVA Case: Negligent Entrustment, the Family Car Doctrine, and Marital Responsibility for a Spouse's Conduct
  • Product Liability Issues 
  • Indemnification of Possible Governmental Liability 
  • Retaining an Accident Reconstructionist 
  • Retention of the Independent Medical Examiner 
  • Sudden Emergency Doctrine 
  • Forensic Photography Considerations 
  • Examining Medical Experts
  • Commercial Trucking Issues 
  • Deposition Considerations 
  • Third Party Interests: Liens and Subrogation Rights
  • Offers of Judgment 
  • Compulsory Arbitration and Other Arbitration Issues 
  • Negligence Per Se and Arizona Traffic and Vehicle Regulation Statutes
  • Insurance Considerations for Motor Vehicle Accident Practice 
  • Res Ipsa Loquitur 
  • ABCs on Vehicular Collision
  • Arizona Vehicle Inspection Guide
  • Arizona Site and Photo Guide


Valuable Checklists  

  • Client Interviews 
  • The Complaint 
  • Answering the Complaint 
  • Plaintiff's and Defendant's Disclosure Statements 
  • Plaintiff's and Defendant's Interrogatories 
  • Plaintiff's and Defendant's Request for Production 
  • Plaintiff's and Defendant's Request for Admissions 
  • Wrongful Death


Sample Forms and Pleadings  

  • Arizona's Crash Report Forms Instruction Manual
  • Civil Cover Sheet
  • Pleadings Template
  • Contingent Fee Agreement
  • Controverting Certificate on Compulsory Arbitration
  • Damron Agreement & Assignment
  • Demand Letter
  • Engagement Letter
  • Full and Final Release of All Claims
  • Morris Agreement & Assignment
  • Notice of Independent Medical Examination
  • Offer of Judgment
  • Pre-Hearing Arbitration Statement
  • Memorandum of Points and Authorities


Steven M. Schorr Related Seminars and Products


DJS Associates, Inc.

STEVEN M. SCHORR, P.E., president of DJS Associates, Inc., is a nationally recognized board certified consultant in the areas of collision reconstruction, highway safety and traffic engineering. Mr. Schorr received his graduate degree in civil engineering from Northwestern University and his undergraduate degree in civil engineering from Villanova University. He has testified as an expert in local, state and federal courts in numerous states. He has authored, lectured and taught courses across the United States and abroad on topics related to his expertise including collision reconstruction, demonstrative evidence and computerized collision reconstruction, and simulation programs, among other areas. He is active in many peer-reviewed professional societies including the National Academy of Forensic Sciences, National Society of Professional Engineers and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He is also a diplomate in the International Institute of Forensic Engineering Sciences. He is a licensed professional engineer in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Florida, New York, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Monica Mihaela Pertea Related Seminars and Products

Associate Attorney

Aspey Watkins & Diesel PLLC

Louis M Diesel Related Seminars and Products

Aspey Watkins & Diesel PLLC

Louis M. Diesel, Aspey, Watkins & Diesel, PLLC | 928-380-0729 |

I have been an attorney in Arizona for 50 years which has been a privilege and an honor. I started out on the federally funded Arizona Prosecutor Training Program supervised by Assistant Attorney General William Schafer, which was during a two-year period where I worked for the City of Phoenix Prosecutor's Office, Coconino County Attorney's Office, Maricopa County Public Defender's Office, and the Arizona Attorney General Appellate Division. I then became clerk for the Honorable Laurance Wren of the Arizona Court of Appeals. After that, I became the training coordinator for the Arizona County Attorneys Association.

In 1975, I, along with two college and law school classmates Fritz Aspey and Harold Watkins, started our own law firm in Flagstaff, Arizona known as Aspey, Watkins & Diesel (AWD). We began in the basement of the old Masonic building, but over the years we have grown to over 16 lawyers. These include attorneys who all have served terms as president of the State Bar of Arizona, namely, Fritz Aspey, Whitney Cunningham, and Brian Furuya. We have litigated cases in almost every Arizona county, and I have argued in front of the Arizona Court of Appeals, Arizona Supreme Court and the U.S. Ninth Circuit. In the mid-1980s I was on the Appellate Commission, appointed by Governor Bruce Babbitt. I have tried hundreds of cases ranging from criminal defense, civil litigation, contract litigation, commercial litigation, domestic relations, personal injury, and wrongful death.

Present Employment
• Founding Partner of Aspey, Watkins & Diesel, PLLC | 1975 - Present

• Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, Arizona | 1966-1970 | B.S. Political Science/History (Graduated with higher distinction)
• Arizona State University | Tempe, Arizona | 1970-1973 | Juris Doctor (Law Review)
• Arizona State University | Tempe, Arizona | 1976 | M.S. Police Administration

Donald H Bayles Jr Related Seminars and Products


Aspey Watkins & Diesel PLLC

Mr. Bayles is admitted to the state courts of Arizona and California. He is also admitted to the Central U.S. District Court of California and the U.S. District Court of Arizona, and is a member of the bar of the Navajo Nation. Mr. Bayles has lectured on trial techniques and advocacy throughout Arizona. He has been a faculty member of the Arizona College of Trial Advocacy for the State Bar of Arizona, a past chair of the Committee on Character and Fitness of the Supreme Court of Arizona. Mr. Bayles is a certified specialist in the field of injury litigation by the State Bar of Arizona and has served as a member of the Injury/Wrongful Death Commission of the Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of Arizona. Mr. Bayles received his B.A. (cum laude) in 1971 from Claremont McKenna College and his J.D. from Arizona State University in 1974. His practice focuses on tort litigation and health law with a wide range of clients, including a number of Northern Arizona counties.

Geoffrey Trachtenberg Related Seminars and Products

Levenbaum Trachtenberg PLC

Mr. Trachtenberg is past President of the State Bar of Arizona and a partner at Levenbaum Trachtenberg, PLC where he manages the law firm’s California, New Mexico, and Utah offices. He is a Certified Specialist in Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation by the State Bar of Arizona, Board of Legal Specialization. The Author would like to thank the following people for their valuable time, insights and thoughts: Lincoln Combs, Joel DeCiancio, Matt Fendon, Justin Henry, Krista McCarthy, Richard Plattner, J. Scott Rhodes, Samuel Saks, Patricia Sallen, Lynda Shely, Brian Weekly, and Stephen Weiss. The views expressed here are those of the Author and are not intended to reflect the views of the State Bar of Arizona or any other person.

Larry J Cohen Related Seminars and Products

Cohen Law Firm

Larry J. Cohen, is a certified specialist in injury and wrongful death litigation who has focused in his more than thirty-three years of law practice on serious medical injury and emotional damages cases, including especially brain injury claims. He received his J.D. from Northwestern University in 1985, and has been admitted to practice in Arizona since 1985. Mr. Cohen also has a Master's degree and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University and has participated in a post-doctoral program in clinical neuropsychology. He continues as a member of the adjunct faculty at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University where he has taught courses in professional responsibility, pretrial practice and professional liability. He taught and did research at the University Michigan School of Law and at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and taught on the adjunct faculties of the Arizona Summit School of Law, the Arizona School of Professional Psychology, thereafter Argosy University, Midwestern University, and Norwich University. Mr. Cohen speaks nationally to groups of lawyers, other professionals, insurance companies, governmental entities, risk managers and other interest groups about litigation and trial practice matters, legal ethics, alternative dispute resolution, and issues in brain damage, law and medicine and law and psychology. He has received awards from the Maricopa County Bar Association, the State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of New Mexico for excellence in continuing legal education. He also received a President's Award from the State Bar of Arizona for contributions in continuing legal education. He has for many years been listed by Southwest Super Lawyers and Arizona's Finest Lawyers as among the best lawyers in Arizona and has been was recognized by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel as among the top one percent of lawyers in the United States.

Mr. Cohen may be reached at the following addresses:

Larry J. Cohen, Esq.
Cohen's Counsel
P.O. Box 465
Bethel, Vermont 05032
