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Patricia Miner

Supervisory Investigator


EEOC Supervisory Investigator Patricia Miner began her career with the agency as an investigator in 1999. She has investigated numerous complex and simple cases. As a Supervisory Investigator, she has overseen a unit of investigators and currently supervises and manages both the Intake and FOIA Units.

In 2016 she was awarded the Champion of Justice Award, the highest award given by the agency. She is frequently requested to present training to other EEOC districts, employers, and advocacy groups.
Prior to working with the EEOC, Pat worked as a paralegal in both private law firms as well as the U.S. Attorney’s Offices for Colorado and Wyoming.

She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Regis University in Denver.

Product Type
Image of On Demand

Arizona Civil Rights Act: Rights, Responsibilities, and Process

Total Credits: 1.5 CLE

Average Rating:
Employment & Labor Law |  Civil Litigation
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jun 22, 2023
Short Description:
A discussion regarding the ACRA, current case law, the administrative investigatory process, and current case trends.

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