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Michael J Bloom

Michael J. Bloom, P.C.

Michael Bloom, Michael J. Bloom, PC.  Mike has been an attorney for over 40 years with a dedication to criminal defense.  He began as a Pima County Public Defender (1977-1983).  In 1983, Mike went into private practice.  While he has focused his practice on defending the accused, Mike has also taken on issues in other areas like civil rights and public records law, taking on many difficult complex issues.  Mike has been a mentor to many lawyers and is always willing to share his work, motions, and general knowledge with less experienced lawyers.  One of Mike’s most notable service accomplishments has been his 30-year co-production of the annual AACJ DUI conference.  Through his career, Mike has participated in numerous challenges to the manner in which DUI’s are investigated in Arizona, including the challenge to the RBT, resulting in the invalidation of 14,000 breath test results. (State v. Fields).  He was co-counsel in a case, State v. Gibson, in which the trial court precluded the testimony of the State’s experts in an arson case, finding the experts’ testimony was unreliable.  It is believed that this is one of the first cases in the United States in which expert testimony by government experts in an arson case was thrown out of court.  Mike has been named as the recipient for many local and national awards including:
  • In 1994, Mike was named the Trial Lawyer of the Year for the American Trial Lawyers for Public Justice as a result of his work in uncovering the policy of the Tucson Police Department to interrogate suspects in violation of their request for counsel. [See,Cooper v. Dupnik, 963 F.2d 1220 (9th Cir. 1992)]
  • He has been listed in Best Lawyers of America since 2000.
  • Mike is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers and Southwest Super Lawyers.
  • Recently he received the Pima County Bar Association's Robert Hooker Criminal Justice Award “…given each year to an attorney and member of the Pima County Bar association who has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to service within the community and who embodies the highest standards of professionalism, innovation, and selfless dedication to the improvement of the criminal justice system.”
  • He was also recently awarded Arizona Attorney’s for Criminal Justice’s highest honor: The John Flynn Lifetime Achievement Award.

Product Type
Image of On Demand

DUI Fundamentals & Updates

Total Credits: 7 CLE, 7.0 Criminal Law Specialization

Average Rating:
Criminal Litigation
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Sep 23, 2022

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