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Jennifer A Mihalovich

Jenny is a Partner at Stewart Law Group, a full-service family law firm serving all of Arizona with multiple offices throughout the Valley. Jenny was an Assistant Attorney General in the Child and Family Protection Division of the Arizona Attorney General's Office for 16 years before going into private practice 5 years ago. While at the Attorney General's Office Jenny was actively involved in community outreach with both the private bar as well as members of the public, doing everything from workshops to formal training for new attorneys in the areas of paternity, child support establishment, modification, enforcement, and interstate case initiation and management. Jenny is the State Bar Representative on the Supreme Court Family Court Improvement Committee and a member of the Child Support Guideline Review Subcommittee, charged with reviewing and updating the Arizona Child Support Guidelines. Jenny attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an undergraduate and received her law degree from Loyola University-Chicago. Jenny clerked for the Honorable Jim Randall of the Minnesota Court of Appeals before moving to Arizona where her first job was in the Adult Probation Department of the Arizona Supreme Court where she worked until she took her position with the Arizona Attorney General's Office.

Product Type
Image of On Demand
Also Available

Family Law Firsts Series Part 2: Child Support

Total Credits: 1.5 CLE

Average Rating:
Family Law
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
May 01, 2024

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