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Hon. Cynthia T Kuhn

Superior Court Judge

Pima County Superior Court

Honorable Cynthia T. Kuhn was appointed to the Pima County Superior Court in 2016. Judge Kuhn began her judicial career, first on the civil bench in 2016, rotated in 2018 to a hybrid civil-probate assignment, and then presided over family law cases from 2020 - 2022. Judge Kuhn now serves on the civil bench. Before her judicial appointment, Judge Kuhn maintained a civil litigation practice, including environmental, commercial, employment, and personal injury matters. Judge Kuhn also served as an Assistant Attorney General in the liability management section, defending state agencies and their employees in civil litigation. Judge Kuhn served on the “Committee on Mental Health and the Justice System” and “State Bar Civil Practice and Procedure Committee.” Judge Kuhn currently co-chairs the new judge orientation program for all Arizona general jurisdiction judicial officers. Judge Kuhn absolutely enjoys every day serving the community as a judicial officer and, despite her prior experience in civil litigation, she finds she learns something new every day through her Superior Court civil caseload.