Brenda A Blunt
Brenda Blunt has over 35 years of experience providing services to tax-exempt entities, closely-held businesses and their stakeholders. She provides income tax compliance and planning for individuals, businesses and tax-exempt entities and represents clients before the Internal Revenue Service and state taxation authorities. Tax-exempts and their related entities comprise about 90% of her clients. She helps these clients, in particular, comply with and plan for income, sales, payroll and property taxes; consults with them regarding the tax and accounting impacts of multiple-entity structures; assists with international tax issues; works with them to establish or reinstate their status as tax-exempt and helps them plan for the tax aspects of unrelated business income and executive retirement. Brenda is a frequent teacher nationally, locally and at the organization level on topics that include board responsibilities, tax compliance, strategic planning, planned giving and financial management principles for nonprofits. Brenda currently represents almost 200 nonprofit organizations ranging in size from formation-stage organizations to multi-million organizations with international reach. Her client base includes public charities, private foundations, trade associations, social welfare organizations, and unions. She is passionate about working with organizations in the nonprofit sector, in no small part because of their passion to make the world she lives in a better place.