You may have learned about Special Needs Trusts before, but there is so much more to know and understand. Learn how to analyze whether a Special Needs Trust is the best option, or is there a better alternative? Every probate, elder law and estate planning attorney should be able to spot issues relating to the impact an inheritance, personal injury settlement or receipt of funds might have on a person receiving certain government assistance.
Topics include:- Introduction to public benefits and SNT’s
- Discussion of first and tthird-partySNT’s
- Alternatives to SNTs, such as ABLE accounts, alternative insurance and trigger trusts
- Handling personal injury settlements for people on public benefits
- Planning for an inheritance for a disabled loved one
Megan Trog, DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy PC
Bridget A O'Brien Swartz, Dyer Bregman & Ferris PLLC
Emily Taylor, Taylor & Lihn, PLLC