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Set Aside, Restore, and Seal - Arizona's pathway to restoring civil rights, setting aside convictions, and sealing records after a criminal conviction.

Total Credits: 1.5 CLE

Average Rating:
Criminal Litigation
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 14, 2023
Co-Sponsored by:
Presented by the State Bar of Arizona's Criminal Justice Section


There is growing interest in helping people recover from the long-lasting effects of a criminal conviction. Arizona has several statutes that provide a pathway to restoring civil rights. There have been several recent changes as well as a completely new statute that provides for sealing the records in certain cases. This CLE provides information on the different processes available to those with criminal convictions in Arizona courts.

This CLE will give you the latest information on the current state of the law, as well as pending changes, and the way the various statutes are being applied. 

Topics will include: 

  1. Setting aside convictions, including the new Certificate of Second Chance, ARS § 13-905, 
  2. Restoring civil rights after a conviction, including automatic restoration of certain non-firearms rights and restoring firearms rights, § § 13-906, 13-907, 13-908, 13-909, and

Sealing of arrest, conviction, and sentencing records, ARS § 13-911






Joey Hamby – Criminal Justice Executive Committee, DM Cantor 

Desiree Kerfoot – Criminal Justice Executive Committee, Assistant Arizona Attorney General     

Liana Garcia- Director, Government Affairs, Arizona Supreme Court

Nathan Wade- Deputy Public Defender, Pinal County

Steven Scharboneau Jr. - Legislative Advocate, Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Attorney, Stone Rose Law Firm

Commissioner William Wingard- Maricopa County Superior Court





Overall:      4.5

Total Reviews: 76


David R

"Very candid and good start on these important issues"

Colin B

"It was presented in a reasonably direct and easy to follow manner "

Taylor H

"It was fairly basic, I learned only a little bit more than could be learned from reading the statutes themselves. "

Walter N

"Big difference in speaker volume. Some were hard to hear even with the volume up all the way. Always a drag when a speaker simply reads the card put upon the screen."

January C

"Knowledgable speakers but materials could have been more crisp. Also, it would be helpful to minimize the slides when people are talking."

Joy R

"missing some information. "

Edwin R

"It was very informative, specifically on the new issue of sealing records and second chances. "

Joseph E

"Good information presented throughout the CLE"

Kelly L

"Great information and well organized. Presenters did a great job with their topics."

Mary B

"materials would be easier to notate and highlight if the background was white and the lettering was black."