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Ethics Update: New Rules, Cases, Opinions, and Technology!

Total Credits: 1 CLE, 1 Ethics

Average Rating:
Ethics |  Administrative Law
Lynda C Shely |  Reid P Potter
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Nov 22, 2024
Co-Sponsored by:
The State Bar of Arizona's Administrative & Regulatory Law Section


Lynda and Reid will provide an overview of recent Ethical Rule amendments as well as new discipline cases (and how to avoid such discipline), new American Bar Association ethics opinions, and ethics tips for using “new” technology.  These ethics topics will include a focus on lawyers in administrative law practices.
Reid Potter, Klinedinst PC
Lynda Shely,  Klinedinst PC



Lynda C Shely Related Seminars and Products

Rosing Pott & Strohbehn

Lynda C. Shely, is a shareholder in Klinedinst PC in Phoenix, Arizona, where she provides legal ethics and Alternative Business Structure (ABS) law firm regulatory advice to lawyers and law firms. She advises firms on all legal ethics topics including fees, conflict waivers, advertising, trust accounts, ethical use of technology, and staff supervision obligations. Lynda was the 2020 – 2023 chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, an Arizona Delegate in the ABA House of Delegates, and currently volunteers with several other nonbillable groups including as a member of the Arizona Supreme Court’s Alternative Business Structures Committee, the Arizona Supreme Court’s Steering Committee on AI and the Courts, the ABA Standing Committee on Professional Regulation, and the State Bar of Arizona Ethics Advisory Group. She is a past president of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, the National ABS Law Firm Association, and the Scottsdale Bar Association and has been an adjunct professor at all Arizona law schools, teaching professional responsibility. Previously she was the Director of Lawyer Ethics for the State Bar of Arizona and had her own solo practice for 21 years. Prior to moving to Arizona, Lynda was an attorney with Morgan, Lewis & Bockius in Washington, DC. Lynda received her BA from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA and her JD from Catholic University in Washington, DC. She has received several awards for her contributions to the legal profession including most recently the 2022 Maricopa County Bar Association Member of the Year Award, the 2023 Maricopa County Bar Hall of Fame, and the 2024 AWLA Sarah Herring Sorin Award.

Reid P Potter Related Seminars and Products

Reid P. Potter works with lawyers and law firms in all legal ethics law and risk management aspects. Mr. Potter has over a decade of experience in compliance and legal roles, previously serving as Intake Bar Counsel at the State Bar of Arizona. In his role, he evaluated and investigated complaints against lawyers alleging violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct. With a deep knowledge of the ethical rules surrounding the legal profession, he played a key role in determining whether violations had actually taken place. As a Practice Management Advisor and Attorney, he provided guidance and resources to lawyers on best practices for managing their practices ethically and efficiently.

Before joining the State Bar of Arizona, he had served as Chief Compliance Office and General Counsel at EZ-Messenger, a legal support services provider located in 15 states. In his role, Mr. Potter led the quality and compliance team, oversaw compliance and security programs, and negotiated contracts and service agreements.



Overall:      4.6

Total Reviews: 40


Gregory H

"Great overview of rules and cases."

Lee S

"Informative, especially with new technology and open laws"

Salvatore N

"Very well done and informative "

Linda F

"It was entertaining and great information. "

David S


John L

"great presentation and presenters."

Phyllis P

"panel was very well spoken and knowledgeable"

Paul B

"Both speakers did a good job of citing the rules and explaining why the rules exist."

Megan H

"This was geared only towards private practice lawyers--government and in house were sort of left out. This is fine--just would like that it's geared towards private practice to be advertised. "

Michael D

"Great discussion - practical and informative!"