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Ethics Basics for Paralegals and Legal Support Staff

Total Credits: 1 CLE, 1 Ethics

Average Rating:
Miscellaneous |  Ethics |  Law Practice Management & Technology
Jennifer B Fite
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Nov 07, 2024


Support staff are the foundation of a good law practice. Join us for the first step in staying ethical while you work. Learn where to find the Ethical Rules that apply to attorneys and law offices.  

What is Competence, and what does it mean for my job?

What’s the difference between Privilege, Confidentiality and Work Product?

How can I ensure that I maintain the Attorney Client Privilege that extends to me?

What are the best ways to preserve Client Confidentiality?

What is the Unauthorized Practice of Law and how do I avoid it?

Are there special considerations for Spanish speakers when you serve as a translator for your firm?

This basic level program is designed to provide attendees with the essentials of handling common ethics issues in daily practice. Those who should attend include:

  • Paralegals
  • Legal Receptionists
  • Legal Assistants
  • Legal Support Staff

Jennifer Fite, Lawyer Assistance Program Director, State Bar of Arizona




Jennifer B Fite Related Seminars and Products

State Bar of Arizona

is the Lawyer Assistance Programs Director for the State Bar of Arizona. Before joining the Bar, Jennifer had a varied career working primarily in civil litigation, most recently serving as Litigation Attorney and Managing Partner of a small firm. Jennifer has a Juris Doctorate from Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale and received her Bachelors of Arts in International Relations from the University of Southern California. She has been licensed to practice in the State of Arizona since 2002 and is also admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona and the United States Supreme Court. She is a past Judge Pro Tempore.



Overall:      4.7

Total Reviews: 82


Melissa B

"The information was perfect and brought back to light the basic ethics which we may oversee or forget about sometimes."

Joan S

"Presenter was very knowledgeable "

Ana C

"It was very helpful and well organized, I would have like to have more examples, or case analysis."

Stacie S

"The presenter was very regimental"

Emily Xiomara L

"Presenter did a great job at breaking down the topic and also answered questions with detail."

Iris M

"Informative. "

Erica I

"This was a refresher course for me. Nothing new."

Diana P

"Very clear and informative"

Mary W

"it was very informative"

Leah C

"Eloquent and well-versed on the subject"