Total Credits: 3.75 CLE
Practitioners in juvenile delinquency and dependency matters are well aware of the longstanding disproportionate representation of minorities and marginalized populations in the child-welfare system. In this program, we will provide information on ways to address this issue, as well as resources for attorneys representing those who come from such communities to ensure that the children and families in the system receive the justice they deserve regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, or other marginalized status.
What You’ll Learn:
1. Learn the history of disproportionate representation in child welfare and the current status based on court statistics
2. Understand implicit and inherent biases — both individual and systemic — and how they affect children and families in the child welfare system
3. Obtain information to assist in representing children and families from backgrounds other than your own and strategies for combatting biases that may be harming your clients
Presented by: Juvenile Law Section
F-51 Addressing Disproportionate Representation in Juvenile Issues (10.6 MB) | 168 Pages | Available after Purchase |