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Advocating for Vulnerable Voices: Advice from Immigration Law Practitioners & a Former Immigration Judge

Total Credits: 2.75 CLE, 0.5 Ethics

Average Rating:
Criminal Litigation |  Juvenile Law |  Immigration Law
James D Lee |  Molly Frazer |  Taylor Nicole Renfro |  Hillary Gaston Walsh |  Natalia Sternau
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jun 07, 2024


This program will cover the following topics:

  • How to prepare a bond case when your client has a DV charge;
  • Identifying & Overcoming Implicit Bias in Immigration Court
  • Understanding T Visas
  • Lawyer Regulation Considerations for Immigration Practitioners
  • Q&A with a former Immigration Judge

Hillary G. Walsh, CEO, New Frontier Immigration Law

Hon. (Ret.) Molly Frazer, Former Immigration Judge
James D Lee, Senior Bar Counsel, State Bar of Arizona
Taylor Renfro-Sockrider, New Frontier Immigration Law
Natalia Sternau, New Frontier Immigration Law
Hillary G. Walsh, CEO, New Frontier Immigration Law



James D Lee Related Seminars and Products

Senior Bar Counsel

State Bar of Arizona

graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Law in May 1987, and was admitted to the State Bar of Arizona in October 1987. He was a Deputy Maricopa County Attorney for nearly 3-1/2 years, and then began working at the State Bar of Arizona in 1991. He currently is a Senior Bar Counsel and Unauthorized Practice of Law Counsel. During his tenure at the State Bar, Mr. Lee has investigated allegations of lawyer misconduct and lack of professionalism, prosecuted formal bar complaints, and represented the State Bar in matters pending before the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of Arizona. Mr. Lee has spoken at various seminars and served on various State Bar committees and task forces that addressed the substantive ethical rules, lawyer discipline procedural rules, and professionalism among lawyers.

Molly Frazer Related Seminars and Products

Immigration Judge

Department of Justice

Hillary Gaston Walsh Related Seminars and Products

New FrontierImmigration Law

is CEO of New Frontier Immigration Law. A former foster care and juvi-kid turned lawyer, Hillary Walsh helps immigrants live free in the United States. Outside of New Frontier, she is an adjunct law professor, mother of four, military wife, and an avid Phoenix Suns fan. In the past 10+ years of practicing immigration law, she's represented clients before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Nevada, the Ninth, Sixth, and Fifth Circuit Courts of Appeals, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and immigration courts nationwide. Hillary believes that there is a solution for every problem, and she injects that relentlessness into her approach to immigration law.



Overall:      4.4

Total Reviews: 11


Suzanne T

"I really loved hearing from IJ Frazier."

Rebecca M

"Each presenter was knowledgeable and detailed."

Jane B

"very uneven. I thought I was in the wrong session in the first segment!"

Shiela S

"great materials and presentations"

Jessica A

"Over all great information but hearing from Judge Frazer at the end was really interesting. Only semi-negative is that it ended really abruptly without like questions. "

Rema A

"the variety of having a judge and private bar on panel and the ethics portion "

Kenneth S

"Most of the presentation had substance and was presented very well.... the boring stuff was boring..."

Victor P

"One of the big selling points for me was that it was noted the CLE would go over SIJS, from "start to finish," and there was NO mention of SIJS. T visa part was great, but sounded like more of an ad as to why everyone should apply for T visas. "