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A Momentous Term in the Supreme Court

Total Credits: 1 CLE

Average Rating:
Appellate Practice & Advocacy |  Constitutional Law
Erwin Chemerinsky
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jul 18, 2024


Constitutional scholar, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky will review the U.S. Supreme Court decisions over the preceding year, including a focus on those decisions most likely to impact Arizona attorneys. Participants will embark on an exciting and informative journey through the current state of Court decisions.



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is the founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law, and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law, at the University of California, Irvine School of Law, with a joint appointment in Political Science.
Previously, he taught at Duke Law School for four years, during which he won the Duke University Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award in 2006. Before that, he taught for 21 years at the University of Southern California School of Law. Chemerinsky has also taught at UCLA School of Law and DePaul University College of Law.
His areas of expertise are constitutional law, federal practice, civil rights and civil liberties, and appellate litigation. He is the author of eight books, including The Case Against the Supreme Court published in 2014, and more than 200 articles in top law reviews. He frequently argues cases before the nation’s highest courts, including the United States Supreme Court, and also serves as a commentator on legal issues for national and local media. He writes a weekly column for the Orange County Register, monthly columns for the ABA Journal and the Daily Journal, and frequent op-eds in newspapers across the country. In January 2014, National Jurist magazine named Dean Chemerinsky as the most influential person in legal education in the United States.
Chemerinsky holds a law degree from Harvard Law School and a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University.



Overall:      4.9

Total Reviews: 70


Larry D

"I really like Chemerinsky's concise style"

Carlos R

"Dean Chemerinsky is always worth listening to."

Emily D

"The presentation was interesting and incredibly clear. Dean Chemerinsky is fabulous "

Michael B

"Dean Chemerinski is always excellent!"

Andrew F

"I do this CLE every year now, and it is always one of the best."

Belinda B

"The speaker explained the background, findings, and importance of each line of cases very well."

Denny E

"Clear and concise."

Rosemary G

"very interesting seminar and the review was perfect in terms of detail and content"

Joseph R

"Professor Chemerinsky's seminar is concise and most useful. He packs in a lot of information into 60 minutes. It would be "excellent" if you could give him an hour! "

Lindsay H

"Concise and informative."