Total Credits: 6.75 CLE, 6.75 Estate & Trust Law Specialization, 1 Ethics
This annual advanced probate/estate planning/trust seminar will include new cases, current legislation, drafting, mental health issues, ethics, and international estate planning. Marlene Appel and Jerome Elwell will present their valuable "New Cases/Recent Developments." The Hon. Andrew Klein, the Hon. Dean Fink and other judicial officers will present “A View from the Bench" emphasizing mediation in the probate court with Jeff Pollitt acting as moderator. A highlight will be a presentation by three outstanding practitioners, Brent Gunderson, Michael Tucker and Margaret Tritch, on International Estate Planning with special attention to Canadian, United Kingdom and Mexican nationals and assets. Another highlight will be a special presentation by the noted Joel Dvoskin, PhD., ABFP, the forensic psychologist who spoke eloquently at this seminar a few years ago. Ron Larson and Lou Comus will discuss Estate Planning Hot Tips and drafting suggestions. John Barron will address a myriad of guardianship and mental health issues. We will cap off the day with John Fitzpatrick and Mark House focusing on A Decade of the Arizona Trust Code.
CHAIRS: Ronald F. Larson, Esq., Larson Law Office
Marlene Appel, Marlene Appel, PLLC
The Hon. Dean M. Fink, Maricopa County Superior Court
The Hon. Andrew Klein (Ret.)
The Hon. Jay M. Polk, Maricopa County Superior Court
Ronald F. Larson, Esq., Seminar Co-Chair
Marlene Appel, Esq., Seminar Co-Chair
Louis F. Comus, Jr., Esq., Fennemore Craig, P.C.
Jerome K. Elwell, Esq., Warner Angle Hallam Jackson & Fromanek, PLC
Michael J. Tucker, Esq., Michael J. Tucker, P.C.
Jeffrey G. Pollitt, Esq., Jeffrey G. Pollitt, P.C.
Mark E. House, Esq., Becker & House, PLLC
John R. Fitzpatrick, Esq, Frazer Ryan Goldberg & Arnold, LLP
John H. Barron III, Esq., Barron & Associates, P.C.
Joel Dvoskin, Phd. ABFP
Brent M. Gunderson, Esq., Gunderson Law Group, P.C.
Margaret Tritch, Esq., Tritch Buonocore Law, PLLC
Megan J. Trog, DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy PC
05062022AdvProbateEstateMaterials.pdf (16 MB) | 318 Pages | Available after Purchase |
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