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Hot Button Ethical Issues in Trial Practice

Total Credits: 3 CLE, 3 Ethics

Average Rating:
Criminal Litigation |  Ethics |  Civil Litigation |  Trial Practice
Original Program Date:
May 17, 2024


The Arizona Chapter of the American College of Trial Lawyers presents a lively discussion on ethics in trials!
JoJene Mills, member of the Supreme Court’s Attorney Discipline Probable Cause Committee, will moderate pre-trial, trial and post-trial ethical issues for both criminal and civil attorneys.

Thomas P. Burke II, Udall Law Firm LLP
Laura Udall, Laura E. Udall PLLC

John Ager, Sandweg & Ager PC
Maria Aguilera, Evo A. DeConcini U.S. Courthouse
Shawn Aiken, Shawn Aiken, PLLC and Aiken Law Firm, PLLC
Peter Akmajian, Schmidt Sethi & Akmajian
Stephen Bullington, Jones Skelton & Hochuli PLC
Katherine Corcoran, Broening Oberg Woods & Wilson PC
Tom Henze, Henze Cook Murphy PLLC
Joseph E. Mais, Perkins Coie LLP
JoJene Mills, Law Office of JoJene Mills, P.C.
Dimitra Sampson, United States Attorney's Office
Rick Unklesbay, Pima County Attorney's Office, Retired 2021




Overall:      4.4

Total Reviews: 68


Antonio Z

"Moderator JoJene Mills did a wonderful job of navigating the discussion."

Mark I

"Very little relevance to my criminal practice."

Mark R


Eric B

"Good pacing and discussion"

Jean Paul C

"Very informative."

Katherine K

"Because it was good!"

Bryan B

"Very informative"

William L

"Excellent refresher."

Thomas A

"Of the portion I watched (first half), the material was occasionally but not always on topic, and it seemed like they didn't follow through. But, to be fair, time may have been a factor. The panel also ignored both of my written questions. Even a follow-up, afterward, would have been nice. The written materials were extended, and they did include plenty of relevant cases and rules, but there wasn't much in the way of original content."

Myles H

"Excellent Panel"