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Self-Study Audio Download

Minimizing ALTCS Missteps Through Proactive Estate Planning

Total Credits: 1.5 CLE

Average Rating:
Probate & Estate Planning |  Mental Health and Elder Law
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Apr 03, 2024


This webinar aims to arm attorneys who have limited knowledge of ALTCS (Arizona Long Term Care System) with the ability to identify ALTCS-related issues their clients might need to address.  

We will cover proactive estate planning steps to take to avoid client ALTCS issues later, how to help clients avoid or minimize estate recovery, what steps clients who might need ALTCS in the future can take ahead of time to simplify the process, things clients who might eventually need ALTCS should avoid to prevent future ALTCS application issues and several other ALTCS tips.

David Karp, Law Office of David I. Karp, PLLC
Lawrence Shafer, Law Office of David I. Karp, PLLC




Overall:      4.6

Total Reviews: 35


Suzanne D

"Very easy to understand; great information"

Daniel E

"great content and clarity"

James S

"The seminar was excellent but pretty complex for those who do not regularly deal with the system."

Michael G

"Material was excellent, too bad the session was so short, as some of that could have used more attention."

Nancy K

"Very understandable and helpful"

Benjamin W

"Very well presented."

Rebecca H

"Great organization and presentation of information and scenarios"

Caroline P

"For a topic that I consider very complicated, the presentation of information and materials was easy to follow and understand."

Scott W

"Very clear and concise. I am grateful they did not try to explain the details too much."

Colton J

"Great information and simply explained. "