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Lori Shipley

Settlement Consultant

Arcadia Settlements Group, Inc.

LORI A. SHIPLEY, JD, CSSC, CMSS, Arcadia The Structured Settlements  Company.  What makes Lori unique: Lori Shipley likes helping people feel  safe and secure and explaining complex things in simple, easy to understand  language. Her skill and expertise in this area shine as she explains structured  settlements to injured claimants, as well as the attorneys who represent them.  Lori enjoys providing training to claims personnel and attorneys on structured  settlements and is recognized as a facilitator in the settlement of personal injury  and medical malpractice claims. She is also a published author, experienced  speaker, and seminar leader.  Prior to Arcadia: Lori Shipley joined Arcadia in  2006 and has been a Structured Settlement Consultant since 1999 when she  was hired as an Assistant Vice President with Cambridge-Galaher. Prior to moving into the structured settlement industry, Lori served as a Senior Staff Attorney with St. Paul Insurance Company in Phoenix between 1997 and 1999. From 1988 to 1997, she was an Associate and Partner with Jones, Skelton and Hochuli, PLLC in Phoenix, Arizona.  Education: While Ms. Shipley believes the bulk of her education has been gained through life experience and guidance from wonderful mentors, she also remains a loyal alumna of the Fighting Illini at the University of Illinois. Lori holds both a Juris Doctorate Degree and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Liberal Arts and Science with a Distinction in Finance from the University of Illinois.  Licenses, Certifications and Memberships: Ms. Shipley is a licensed Attorney with the State Bar of Arizona (inactive status) and received her Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation from the University of Notre Dame. Ms. Shipley is also certified as a Medicare Settlement Specialist, having obtained her Certified Medicare Settlement Specialist (CMSS) designation in 2016. She has life, health, and disability licenses in multiple states and is a member of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA).  Personal Passions: Ms. Shipley spends her free time with her two wonderful children, Dillon and Regan, and enjoys working out, eating healthy and reading good books. She’s also been known to watch reality TV, although typically only those shows related to creativity or overcoming challenges.  Contact Information: Arcadia | 8005 W Albert Lane | Peoria, AZ 85382 | 480.704.1074 | 866.389.1513 |