
Norman J

"I thought both presenters were very good, and they presented a nice contrast in style. Mr. Docters was more professorial, while Mr. Cranner was more down to earth and practical. They worked well together. And the topic was interesting, esp. compared to many ethics courses."

Robert W

"Very well done"

Steven T

"timely and insightful"

Taryn C

"Interesting topic, clear slides, relevant material"

Stephen C

"The presenters were quite knowledgeable and I enjoyed their examples."

David A

"They need to be more than the slides. But I believe more is coming after today."

Jon W

"I enjoyed the discussion and thought it covered the subject well."

Steven J

"not very interesting"

Susan W

"Speakers were very knowledgeable and thoughtful. Presentation was a bit slow in pace."

Ransom Y

"Good materials"