
Acacia J

"Great amount of information, faster paced than I could keep up with at times, but all in all good."

Nelson E

"The information was very thorough, but at such a level that I felt I needed some IT training as a pre-requisite."


"Presentation was excellent. Rated it "good" because it was very long and so much content that it was hard to absorb in one sitting. Very much enjoyed the hands-on aspect with downloads."

Theresa G

"Great presenter and content. There was simply so much to learn that it will take me hours to digest and implement. "

Brian S

"I needed my paralegal on with me to understand. It moved fast. Awesome instructor O-H"

Gregory L

"The information presented was quite basic. The presenter spent a lot of time explaining very simple topics (eg the importance of F-keys on a computer keyboard, and where they are located). This may be better advertised as basic, elementary information."

Cassie F

"He did a very good job explaining the topics given"

Jessica M

"I found this seminar very helpful with many useful tips."

Ryan S

"Lots of information and it's quite simple and bland. It's hard to spice up the information though."

Mark W

"We got into the weeds. I'm an excel user and an engineer. Well done. I learned a couple new tips and tricks. Thanks!"