
George M

"The presentation address topics advertised. I would have liked to see something on conflicts where practitioners work on applications with client inventors and non-client inventors."

Matthew B

"Was good, videos could have been faster speed, Some topics were glossed over, and was unable to understand"

James B

"I tried to get into the presentation at 11:55AM AZ, and it was not allowing me. At the scheduled time, I tried again from 12:00PM AZ to approx 12:10PM AZ. It was only giving me the error "[Red X Image] We could not connect to this webinar. Please try again or contact support." I contacted support at that time. About 20 minutes later they responded at 12:30PM AZ with a direct zoom link that got me in. I was not able to review the entire program and spent a lot of time trying to get it to work"


"Subject matter is timely, and presented well. Presenter was good, but went too fast is numerous areas covered."

Marvin G

"The speaker was very informative, entertaining and used excellent examples."

Priscilla P

"Informative, well-organized, and presented. Thank you!"

Michael D

"Great content and excellent public speaking!"


"Good mix of interactive quizzes, videos, and information."