
James L

"The panel provided very useful and interesting information within a short period of time. I thought the speakers were interesting and engaging."

Brendan P

"AI is a cutting edge technology that potentially has many useful applications for attorneys. It was helpful hearing how practitioners can use AI to their advantage as well as potential detriments."

Daniel S

"It provided good questions to think about when using generative AI"

Robert R

"Engaging speakers. Fascinating topic"

Suzette B

"Great topic. Very, very interesting."

Peter H

"It was very informative and interesting. I would only note that the AZ Sup. Ct. and Bar need to formulate AI rules, sooner rather than later."

Sherry L

"Informative, comprehensive and fascinating."

Robert M

"Did a good job of weighing the pros and cons of this emerging technology"

Charlotte S

"Speakers have lots of knowledge on the subject."

Susan D

"very well presented and timely information."