
Nancy G

"Engaging and informative speakers on an important topic for all lawyers!!!!"

Kathleen L

"Such a necessary source for lawyers today! Practical and compassionate! They have such a wealth of knowledge to share--I could listen for hours!"

Charles F

"I thought that both raised great issues that lawyers face every day as they try to balance our crazy workloads with living. "

Lindsi W

"Such important information, thank you! "

Casey D

"Phenomenal CLE all the way around. Very informative, approachable, and they answered questions well."

Carol S

"Best CLE class I have attended, ever!"

Peter S

"This could be a two or three hour program!"

Frank W

"Very useful tips on how to lead a happier and healthier life both professionally and personally."

Jo M

"Practical tips and suggestions as well as addressing the issues faced by attorneys."

John K

"Clear, Concise, and smooth. Very well presented in 1 hour"