
Ryan L

"Don Wilson knows his stuff. "

Bradley G

"Enjoyed the discussion, which has real application in practice."

Thea G

"Great seminar with real world examples of ethical issues and proper responses. "

Frederick L

"it was clear and present useful hypos to think through on the understanding of the rules discussed."

Renee D

"I gathered some information but perhaps not as much as I would have liked. I would have enjoyed going more in depth with some of the topics. "

Robert W

"Good hypotheticals and discussion - I like how long the Cafe class was"

Jose R

"The issues were addressed by very experienced presenters."

Frank W

"The panel provided thorough examples of ER 4.1 & 4.4 practice situations and their resolutions."

Mark D

"Clear and thorough presentation"

Riisa M

"interesting, good examples"