
Denise A

"The program was excellent! I have been practicing meditation and mindfulness for years, but still have so much to learn. I really appreciated Judge Lambert's insight. "

Mark W

"Judge Lambert is a terrific presenter on this topic! It is clear that she is an experienced meditator, and the information she presented was clear, well-organized, and very helpful! Thank you, Judge Lambert!"

Mary B

"seminar was very interesting and provided a reminder that stress is deadly. the techniques provided are simple and take only a few minutes but provide a wonderful break in the day."

Ryan S

"Interesting topic that was presented well. Possibly a bit more personal application could be useful. "

Stephanie N

"Based on slides, the info seemed thorough and televant."

Maureen S

"Good practical & useful techniques incorporated with scientific/anatomical/functional aspects of brain health."

Carrie R

"interesting content"

Corrina M

"Made me understand more about mindfulness and breathing"