Foster R"Good program " |
Larry D"I really like Chemerinsky's concise style" |
Carlos R"Dean Chemerinsky is always worth listening to." |
Emily D"The presentation was interesting and incredibly clear. Dean Chemerinsky is fabulous " |
Michael B"Dean Chemerinski is always excellent!" |
Andrew F"I do this CLE every year now, and it is always one of the best." |
Belinda B"The speaker explained the background, findings, and importance of each line of cases very well." |
Denny E"Clear and concise." |
Rosemary G"very interesting seminar and the review was perfect in terms of detail and content" |
Joseph R"Professor Chemerinsky's seminar is concise and most useful. He packs in a lot of information into 60 minutes. It would be "excellent" if you could give him an hour! " |