
Alexander M

"Appropriate selection of cases treated with relevant focus. Would have like to have seen the issue of eroding confidence and respect for the Supreme Court addressed."

Seema P

"very clear and thorough without being too in the weeds or hard to follow "

Joshua M

"The Dean is always a wonderful presenter who is deeply in tune with the workings of the Court, so I enjoy the perspective and history he is able to offer as he discusses the most recent term."

William T

"Great analysis of the recent Supreme Court decisions in clear terms."

Leslie P

"it was informative"

Susan W

"Topics fine and succinct, but speaker wasn't very dynamic -- very monotone"

Edward G

"Great presentation. Legendary professor and commentator."

Amy G

"expert in the field who clearly has a wealth of knowledge."

Mark L

"Good synopsis of the recent decisions"

Veronika F

"Great explanations of complicated issues"