James A"A lot of the ideas were "old" ideas that we already knew. However, the presenters all of them, were enthusiastic and upbeat, so it was a very good seminar. " |
Jose R"brought to everyday problems" |
Roberta P"Very interesting and informative." |
Geoffrey D"All the speakers were very engaging and I really like it when real world examples are used." |
Billy L"Knowledgeable lecturers with a broad range of experience." |
Candyce P"It gave real life examples of things that happen and why they shouldn't. I also liked the combination of criminal and civil attorneys on the panel." |
Julie M"This was a little heavy on the civil side but even their issues were interesting to hear about," |
Stephen M"The range of topic and dual coverage of civil and criminal was well done." |
Jeffrey K"Great, knowledgeable speakers and extensive materials. " |
Stephanie Q"AMAZING presenters! This was such a great seminar. Ms. Mills did an excellent job as she always does." |