
Nancy C

"Easy to understand, very useful for beginner and more advanced social media researchers, timely"

John O

"I would like more of a "how" as to what services to access to do background research. For example - geo locating - I didn't catch how you do this."

Denneen P

"Very good presenters. "

Michelle L

"useful and relevant"

Christopher P

"it was between 1 and 5 with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent"

David G

"could not hear. "

Lance M

"Unfortunately, the audio kept going in and out throughout the presentation. I had to strain to hear the speakers. When the audio came back on, the volume was very loud."

Randolph W

"entire hour and a half was plagued by audio SNAFUs and was so intrusive as to make it impossible to be hands free for notes since the volume had to be repeatedly controlled to either turn up the gain to listen or to quickly turn down the gain to avoid startling the whole office and blowing my desktop speakers. Overall, a highly aggravating presentation."

Monty G

"Severe audio problems throughout this CLE made the program unwatchable. Interesting topic, but terrible technical delivery. Is it too much to ask that presenters take 2 minutes for a sound check before they start their program?"

Bree N

"The sound was very distracting and made it hard to hear. "